Intaka Island is a beautiful natural wetland and bird sanctuary which can be found in the heart of the Century City lifestyle and entertainment area. This lovely island invites guests to experience the hidden beauty that is a rather unexpected and refreshing discovery, in the busier surroundings of Canal Walk Mall and the lively Century City - like stepping into another world. This eco centre is often used to educate children and interested individuals about the wetland and its inhabitants. The wetland consists of seven habitats (both wet and dry), and is home to over 120 bird species and 213 various plant species - a wonderland of discovery awaiting those who are passionate about bird and plant life. Visitors can explore the reserve trails and those who are actively keeping a look out can make use of the pamphlets and bird checklists that are available on arrival, at the reception desk. Guides are also available, but will need to be arranged beforehand (this is included in the entrace fee), and you can also enjoy a family trip on the Century City ferry, which journeys for 35 minutes along the canals and around the island - this also needs to be arranged beforehand, at an extra cost.